4 thoughts on “A Midsummer Day in Boston Spa

  1. Thank you so much Liz and Rosemary, I have really enjoyed the virtual tour around your gardens and all your detailed explanation of the planting. Well done Brian – a beautiful video.

  2. Sunshine! I’d almost forgotten what it is like. So lovely to see your gardens in the warmth of a sunny June day. I planted a Heptacodium in my garden about 20 years ago. It’s now 4m tall and wide. I hadn’t realised that they might be hard to track down. I’m now wondering how to propagate it.

  3. Hi. Am fascinated that you obtained the Heptacodium 20 years ago – you certainly were ahead of the game! You probably know all this but my understanding is that it came into the country in the form of 3 or 4 ‘sticks’ in a plastic bag! One went to John Sales and one to Arley Hall. I found mine at Daleside Nursery just outside Harrogate and it was pretty pot bound so I am hoping that now it is liberated it will romp away. I’ve no idea about the propagation: I would imagine just hardwood cuttings, but Daleside would surely be happy to have a chat about it.

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